kristine at workbench with turned porcelain tumblers

An art historian by education, I initially worked on exhibitions for the Victoria & Albert Museum, at Hamburger Kunsthalle and the British Council in London. In 2012 I presented a retrospective exhibition on the works of Herbert Aulich.

When I moved to Düsseldorf, where I now live, I discovered my passion for pottery. Working with clay offers seemingly infinite creative options and requires an almost meditative focus on the working process. My work varies between simple and functional forms and more playful, explorative pieces. Above all, the results must enhance the experience of the everyday; I love eating from handmade crockery.

Since 2021 I work in my own studio. I have taken part with “Manufaktour 2022“ and  “Handverlesen” at in 2023.

photo: © Ralf Buscher Photography Hamburg